Satisfaction Guaranteed
Order DetoX
Each pack of DetoX makes a 4 day supply of tea—4 packs in a case. Each pack contains complete instructions and Alva's toll-free number as your coach. Order a case online and we include a free pack. Orders of 2 to 5 cases receive a 25% discount and a 6 case order receives 33⅓% off.
“Please send 2 cases of DetoX. I went from a size 14 to a 12 in 3 weeks. I look better, have lots of energy, and never felt better.”
Earline, LA
“Please ship six more cases of DetoX.”
Elizabeth, Nigeria
Money-back Guarantee
If you aren't satisfied with your first pack of DetoX, return the remaining packs (within 30 days of receipt) for a full refund. After 30 days, refund is 80% of the purchase price of product returned in good condition.
“I took DetoX because I wanted to feel better, after 4 days my aches & pains, were gone, I lost 10 pounds and had more energy.”
Celestine, GA
Telephone Orders: Call 1-312-502-8217
All major credit cards are accepted.
“Hi, I want to place an order before I start my last pack. I'm on my 3rd pack and I've lost 12 pounds. I just love this stuff. My skin is nice and smooth and I have lots of energy. Thank you so much for this product.”
Claudette Cary, OH
“I was going through a weight crisis after my last baby when I found DetoX. I lost 10 kilograms (22 pounds) in no time at all. My husband couldn't believe his eyes. Thank you Alva and thank you DetoX.”
Chomo, Germany
in Person:
Pick up your DetoX or stop by to say hello.
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